
Wild Plains _ 2024

Half Wild Half Plains

Leawood, KS _ 2400 sqft
Interior Design, Fabrication
Photo Credit _ Michael Robinson

Wild Plains is a tenant infill project in Leawood, KS that transforms an old forgotten frozen custard shop into a modern children’s boutique featuring clothing and gifts sourced from around the world. The design concept was inspired by the client’s desire to create a space for all kids and families— those rooted in their home of Kansas and those that long for adventure. The design intentionally evokes these two aesthetics – visually split down the middle— half ‘wild’, half ‘plains’. The modular display tables, a suspended hanging system, and custom peg boards help to curate this visual divide while offering flexibility for merchandising. Rounded Baltic Birch Ply allows an undulated display in height and depth in varying semi-transparent stains with bold and playful touches of color throughout.


Inspired by the iconic design of 1940s Willys Military Jeeps, Hufft fabricated from Baltic birch plywood. Each detail was carefully thought through with children in mind – set to scale, edges rounded, and playful accents from license plate to steering wheel. A ‘wild wall’ weaves its way through the space, starting at the POS and wrapping around a lounge and dressing rooms. With inspiration stemming from the Kansas tall grass prairies, the wall rises and falls – each piece individually cut on the CNC machine coming together to give movement to this stationary structure as you make your way around it. The top of each wood panel – or blade – is slightly angled at different heights, mimicking the stems of prairie grass in a zephyr, the effect on grasses when a breeze passes through.